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The Power of "Right Now": How xTool F1 On-Site Engraving Boosts Stephen's Sales

by xTool online store Posted on April 25, 2024

About the Author

Hi there! I’m Stephen, nice to meet you! I’m an educator and small business owner. Who doesn't have a side hustle these days, right? I started using lasers through my work in classrooms helping other teachers and students learn how powerful lasers can be for engaging and creative learning. Fast forward to today and I’ve been in business for a year, made countless creations with xTool F1, joined amazing groups and networks of other makers. I’ve been empowered to share my passion for technology and creation.

I do own an F1 laser engraver and actually bought it when it first came to market. I added it to my P2 when the bundle was first an option, and I was very excited about the potential of bringing a laser with me to markets to offer on-site, in-the-moment engravings.

craft show

Speeding Up Production

The F1 was immediately a benefit to my productivity, speeding up a large coaster project I had taken on. I was completing these coasters on my D1 Pro, and the results were good but took about 11 minutes per coaster. The F1 cut that time nearly in half. That order alone helped me recoup almost half the cost of the P2.

Over the next three months, I easily recouped the remaining cost of the machine through the ability to offer customization in the moment. 

Boosting Sales with On-Site Customization

Everyone likes to have something special and unique, and many also like to have that item "right now". Waiting can be hard, so using the F1 at shows, I've been able to help folks walk away happy with an item instead of walking away "thinking it over". I've even helped a friend who also crafts sell items in the moment during shows by offering to engrave their purchased item right then.

It's hard to say how much money is made specifically with the F1, as I make many items in cooperation with my different machines (2 P2s, an S1, and the F1). During shows this past winter, however, I'd say most shows on average were seeing 1/3-1/2 of the sales coming from items that were customized with the F1 onsite.

winter craft show

The F1's Versatility in My Craft Business

As for regular items, the F1 is regularly used to add elements to wooden items I make, like ornaments, cribbage boards, etc. It is also used to add engravings to blanks like wallets, tumblers, patches, lighters, knives, etc.

engraved tumblers

For small engravings, the F1 hands down more efficient. It has also allowed me to do work that I wouldn't have been easily able to do otherwise, including jewelry marking, which is still a small portion of the work I do, and one of my favorite items, ceramic photo tiles. My best results for the photo tiles have continued to come from the F1 and are a best seller for me during markets. In about 15 minutes, I can take a customer's digital photo, prep it, and engrave it on prepared tile blanks.

engraved ceramic photo tiles

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