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xTool Accessory Kit for RA2 Pro

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US $70.99 US $79.00
US $70.99 US $79.00
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xTool Accessory
Kit for RA2 Pro

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Mask group.png__PID:ef26287f-ecdb-4a55-916b-f15c0890d1b3

xTool Accessory
 Kit for RA2 Pro

Watch the Video
Mask group.png__PID:ef26287f-ecdb-4a55-916b-f15c0890d1b3

L-Shaped Module

Within a range of 26 degrees, the U-axis can be infinitely adjusted, expanding the processing
scenarios in the jaw mode, thereby enabling the engraving of rings, irregular water cups, and wine
bottles with beveled surfaces.

Group 672.png__PID:cd047df0-2717-48eb-8a87-5185ef26287f

L-Shaped Module

Within a range of 26 degrees, the U-axis can be infinitely adjusted, expanding the processing scenarios in the jaw mode, thereby enabling the engraving of rings, irregular water cups, and wine bottles with beveled surfaces.

Group 672.png__PID:32d09f59-f375-4c7e-b02c-02f4c8d5b91e

Unlocking Boundless Possibilities

Unlocking Boundless Possibilities

Laser Positioning Module

Effortlessly locate the central axis and achieve optimal focus alignment, ensuring
unparalleled precision in focusing and delivering exquisite engraving effects.


Laser Positioning Module

Effortlessly locate the central axis and achieve optimal focus alignment, ensuring unparalleled precision in focusing and delivering exquisite engraving effects.


Guarantees More Precise Engraving Results

Group 713.png__PID:7269aae4-b0b4-4c12-9290-6903d70f9cbc

Accurate focusing

Group 714.png__PID:69aae4b0-b47c-42d2-9069-03d70f9cbccb

Out of focus

Guarantees More Precise Engraving Results

Group 715.png__PID:bb9b9c93-b7f7-4d36-8144-2634f74f0ea6

Accurate focusing

Group 716.png__PID:9b9c93b7-f7cd-4641-8426-34f74f0ea68c

Out of focus

Limit Piece

The Limit Piece eliminates repetitive focusing in batch processing and is
 compatible with diverse table tops.

Group 690.png__PID:047df027-1758-4b4a-8751-85ef26287fec

Limit Piece

The Limit Piece eliminates repetitive focusing in batch processing and is compatible with diverse table tops.

Group 690.png__PID:d09f59f3-751c-4ef0-ac02-f4c8d5b91edf

Effortlessly Batch Processing

Effortlessly Batch Processing

Part List

Mask group.png__PID:ef26287f-ecdb-4a55-916b-f15c0890d1b3
Group 697.png__PID:7df02717-58eb-4a87-9185-ef26287fecdb
Group 698.png__PID:f0271758-eb4a-4751-85ef-26287fecdbba
Group 699.png__PID:271758eb-4a87-4185-af26-287fecdbba55
Group 700.png__PID:1758eb4a-8751-45ef-a628-7fecdbba5551
Group 701.png__PID:58eb4a87-5185-4f26-a87f-ecdbba55516b
Group 702.png__PID:eb4a8751-85ef-4628-bfec-dbba55516bf1
Group 703.png__PID:4a875185-ef26-487f-acdb-ba55516bf15c
Group 704.png__PID:875185ef-2628-4fec-9bba-55516bf15c08

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Chris Beard
RA2 Pro

Love the RA2 Pro, especially the chuck attachment, ordered the leveling mount and it works great

Perfect engraving experience

It has too many tools for a variety of different shaped materials for the best ebgraving result.

George Chapa
Kit for RA2 Pro

Love this attachment works better than expected and of course constructed just like all xtool products

If you want level

This is a great item for ensuring your rotating item is on the level, it tilts the item itself with fine adjustment, instead of having to use a bunch of shims and keeps it level, so much better and ensures no movement during the process, a must have if doing rotations, seamlessly attaches to the RA 2 and integrates with the S1

accessory kit game changer

So far loving the accessory kit, every item in this kit has made using the RA2 pro great. Well worth the money in my opinion

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Group 710.png__PID:7ef02c02-f4c8-45b9-9edf-3c67135a017c
Group 711.png__PID:f02c02f4-c8d5-491e-9f3c-67135a017c7f
Group 712.png__PID:2c02f4c8-d5b9-4edf-bc67-135a017c7fb0

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